Peer Tutoring

McDonough Peer Tutoring Program

Each semester, McDonough upperclass students are hired by the Undergraduate Programs Office to provide free, one-on-one, or group tutoring for students in all class years for various business courses*. Tutoring is available for: 

*Tutoring is not available for ACCT 1101, Introduction to Financial Accounting, or ACCT 2101, Management Accounting for Decision Making.

Tutoring is on a first-come, first-serve basis, and students can request a peer tutor for one (or more) of these classes if they are earning a grade of C or lower. Tutoring requests can be submitted through the McDonough Peer Tutoring Request Form after the third week of the semester and will close two weeks before the last day of classes. Peer tutors will meet with their assigned students for no more than two hours each week for as long as tutoring is needed by the student.

Questions about peer tutoring should be directed to your academic dean.