Summer Course Approval Process for Courses Outside Georgetown

If you are interested in taking a non-Georgetown summer course, you must fill out the McDonough summer approval request form during the Spring semester. It can be found on the McDonough Forms page. This form secures approval from the McDonough Undergraduate Programs Office to take summer courses away from Georgetown University. All requests must be submitted prior to enrollment in the summer course(s), ideally by the last day of classes in the Spring.

What kinds of courses can be taken during the summer? 

Courses that can be considered for transfer back to Georgetown: 

Courses that cannot be considered for transfer back to Georgetown: 

Other courses:

Eligibility & Requirements for Transferring Coursework Outside Georgetown 
Policy for Online Coursework Outside Georgetown
Policy for International Coursework

Since we often receive requests for summer Macroeconomics and Microeconomics courses each year, we wanted to make sure you were aware of new policies from Georgetown’s Economics Department regarding taking non-GU Economics courses, which began in Summer 2024 and will continue to apply for Summer 2025: 

If your course was approved and it has now concluded:

Students must ask the host institution to send an official transcript to McDonough School of Business. That transcript must contain your letter grade and it must be a C or better. Students may request for an electronic copy to be sent to or a hard copy to be mailed to the address below. 

Attention: Catherine Vaz
McDonough School of Business
Rafik Hariri Building, Suite 120
37th & O Street NW
Washington, DC 20057

***Please note that an electronic transcript is the preferred method for receiving official transcripts, if the option exists at your institution.***

Frequently Asked Questions: 

A rigorous syllabus may include: regular interactions with the professor and peers, intermediate assignments and deadlines throughout the course, listed learning outcomes/course objectives, college-level academic readings, a listed attendance policy, no excessive extra credit or test/paper retakes, proctored exams, a stated methodology for grading on a letter scale and a rigorous culminating assessment. 

No. You’re not limited to a certain list of colleges or universities. Students take courses all around the world at various universities.  

No. Toward the beginning of the Spring semester, you can register for Georgetown classes on GU Experience, just as you would for Fall or Spring classes. 

It opens in early February. We recommend you submit all requests before the last day of your Georgetown classes in the Spring.

It’s your responsibility to send us an official transcript with your recorded grade (C or better). We ask that you send us the official transcript electronically, if possible. You can have them emailed directly to Dean Vaz at We are aware that some institutions do not have an electronic transcript option. If that is the case for your host institution, it is still fine to send the official transcript through the mail. 

According to the Bulletin, students may not take more than 4 courses in any one summer and no more than 2 courses concurrently in the same summer session. If you were approved to take multiple non-GU summer classes and they don’t meet these rules, please email Dean Vaz to let us know which of your approved summer classes you’ve decided not to pursue.

No. The dates of the non-Georgetown course cannot overlap with days that Georgetown courses are in Fall or Spring session (see the academic calendar), which includes winter and spring break. Only summer courses can be considered. 

Please read the policy on courses taken prior to matriculation and work with your advising dean. You do not need to fill out the summer approval form. 

Though proposed courses do not need to be directly equivalent to existing Georgetown courses to be approved, we do limit our approvals to courses and areas of study contributing to the aims and spirit of a Georgetown liberal arts education. Courses offering non-academic training (paralegal studies, EMT, word processing, etc.) and that prepare students for college work (pre-calculus, expository writing, grammar) are not transferable. 

Yes, please be aware that all language credit at the learning level is subject to the results of a department-administered placement exam upon return. For this reason, we don’t highly recommend language courses taken outside of Georgetown. 

Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to or consult with your academic dean concerning coursework taken outside Georgetown.